Missionary Families of Christ (MFC India) was formerly known as Couples for Christ India is a Catholic covenanted community of lay faithful and comes under the Family Commission in the respective Dioceses. Its primary work is evangelization, founded on family renewal. In this, it focuses on defending Faith, Family and Life.
Vision :We are an evangelistic and missionary community committed to become families empowered by the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.
Mission: We strive to be God’s holy warriors, as we commit to renew the temporal order through our work in defending faith, family and life. We are a servant to the Church, working to renew her children through every generation and throughout the world, until the Lord returns once again.
1. Centered on Christ
2. Evangelistic and missionary
3. Focused on the family
4. Being community
5. Living a preferential option for the poor
6. Exercising servant leadership
7. Being a servant to the Church
The community has established different ministries for kids (MFC-Kids), youths (MFC-Youths), singles (MFC-Singles), couples (MFC-Couples), widows, widowers, separated for handmaids (MFC-Handmaids) and servants (MFC-Servants). Together these provide a “womb-to-tomb” renewal ministry, where persons are evangelized from a very young age and are sustained as they grow through the different stages and states of life.
MFC-Kids – Assists parents in developing and nurturing Christian values in their children by providing a planned environment that would embody the MFC culture. It is open to all children of members aged 4-12.
MFC-Youth – a ministry dedicated for teenagers aged 13-20. This ministry provides a venue and opportunities which allow its members to be “what they want to be as long as they are Christians”. The fun aspect of being a youth is not taken away from them by the program, but rather is enhanced because they know that they have the best friend of all in the person of Jesus Christ. This ministry is an urgent response to the need to provide a healthy and exciting environment for the youth in the family to come together where faith can flourish, forming bonds of friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood with other young men and women. It is a response towards these young men and women’s call in bringing the family closer together.
MFC-Singles – a ministry for single people and young adults (between the ages 21-39), envisioned to be a support environment for individuals who are already past college or currently in college but working part-time or a young professional working full time.
MFC-Couples – a ministry for married men and women. A ministry that help build strong marriages and a family centered in Jesus Christ.
MFC-Handmaids – a ministry for single women (specifically single parents, separated, or divorced women, unmarried mature singles), for married women (whose husbands are working abroad, physically incapacitated or not now interested in any religious affiliation) and finally, for widows.
MFC-Servants – a ministry for single men (specifically single parents, separated, or divorced men, unmarried mature singles), for married men (whose wives are working abroad, physically incapacitated or not now interested in any religious affiliation) and finally, for widowers.
MFC strengthens the parish and its families by serving in various capacities: